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EU bans Algerian spread toasted on social media

The NDC claims there are inconsistencies, such as the inclusion of the names of more than 50,000 deceased persons, absent voters, and unlawful name transfers.

According to NDC director of elections Dr.Omane Boamah, the only way to guarantee election fairness and transparency is to have an impartial audit of the electoral roll.

He said his party had suggested the Electoral Commision (EC) allow the UN Development Programme to facilitate the process, but that this idea was rejected.

Calls for an audit have been dismissed by the EC as needless and misguided, but the opposition has warned that if mistakes continue, thousands of registered voters could lose their right to vote.

According to the commission, errors that were previously pointed out have been fixed.

The ruling New Patriotic Party’s director of communications, Richard Ahiagba, stated that his organization ‘believes in the independence of the Electoral Commission to ensure a credible vote in December.’.

In December 2024, incumbent Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia and opposition candidate John Mahama will square off in the Ghanaian presidential election.

Both pledge to improve the dire economic conditions facing the nation.

To demand an independent forensic audit of the nation’s voter register, thousands of supporters of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Ghana’s main opposition party, have been staging nationwide protests.

Party officials say they have identified errors in the electoral roll for December’s nationwide poll that require correction.

The election authority says errors that were previously identified have been corrected.

Ghana is about to have another razor-thin presidential election after three decades of peaceful but fiercely contested elections.

In capital city Accra, demonstrators clad in red and white T-shirts, carried placards with inscriptions such as ‘we need justice in this election’.

The NDC claims there are inconsistencies, such as the inclusion of the names of more than 50,000 deceased persons, absent voters, and unlawful name transfers.

NDC director of elections Dr Omane Boamah said an independent audit of the electoral roll is the only way to ensure transparency and fairness in the electoral process.

He said his party had suggested the Electoral Commision (EC) allow the UN Development Programme to facilitate the process, but that this idea was rejected.

The EC has said calls for an audit are misguided and unnecessary, but the opposition warns that thousands of registered voters risk being disenfranchised if errors persist.

The commission said mistakes highlighted previously have been corrected.

The communications director of the governing New Patriotic Party, Richard Ahiagba, said his party has ‘faith in the Electoral Commission’s independence to ensure a credible vote in December’.

In December 2024, incumbent Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia and opposition candidate John Mahama will square off in the Ghanaian presidential election.

Both pledge to improve the dire economic conditions facing the nation.


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